Nutrient Injections

Get the Nutrients You Need Safely and Quickly

Your body relies on nutrition to survive and thrive. New Vitality Medical offers fast-acting nutrient injections to men and women in Atlanta, GA. Our wide selection of vitamin, amino acid, and peptide injections enables our patients to live healthier lives. We provide concierge-level service and treat the entire patient to achieve all their health and wellness goals. You can depend on our providers to personalize your care, protocols, and health plans to help you look and function your best.
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assortment of citrus fruit slices

Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12)

Methylcobalamin is an active type of vitamin B12. It is the most absorbable form. Its benefits include:

  • Anemia Prevention: Methylcobalamin stimulates and maintains tetrahydrofolate production, a folic acid essential to generating red blood cells. Red blood cells reduce symptoms of anemia, like fatigue and weakness.
  • Neural Health: Methylcobalamin renews myelin and lipids, which protect and boost nerves and neurons. It may be able to reduce the symptoms of dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.
  • Pain Relief: Methylcobalamin helps produce noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine, which minimizes feelings and sensations of pain and discomfort.
  • Boosts Metabolism

MIC-B12 Injections

MIC-B12 is a form of B12 injection that accelerates fat burn, improves liver health, and boosts energy. It can be effective for achieving specific health goals or overall health. Along with the B12 vitamin, MIC-B12 also includes the following ingredients:

  • Choline: Nutrient that facilitates fat breakdown and toxin elimination.
  • Methionine: An amino acid that reduces cholesterol, fatigue, and allergy symptoms.
  • Inositol: A B vitamin that supports fat processing, improves appetite, and regulates appetite.

(for Weight Loss & Brain Function)

L-Carnatine is a form of Carnitine amino acid that can boost energy levels in some patients. It works by moving fatty acids to mitochondria, where they are quickly burned up to generate more energy in the body. Many of our patients use L-Carnitine as a supplement for their weight loss regimen due to its increased fat burn. This amino acid has also been shown to improve brain function and reduce the effects of aging on the mind and memory.
assortment of citrus fruit slices

Amino Acid Injections

We offer and administer a wide range of amino acids for mind and body health, including Glutamine, Arginine, Carnitine, Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. We offer varying dosages based on the strength and need of the amino acid. Here are some of the benefits you may receive through amino acid treatment:

  • Brain health
  • Muscle growth and healing
  • Improved athletic performance, recovery, endurance, and exercise
  • Faster fat burn
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased immune function and resistance
  • Improved kidney function
  • Enhanced mental capacity
  • Lowered high blood pressure
  • Blood sugar regulation

B12 Formulations
(With Other Vital Elements)

We combine B12 with other beneficial elements to improve health and well-being in the mind and body. Enjoy renewed health and energy by choosing one of the following formulations:

  • MIC/B12/Chromium: Chromium is a vital element that regulates blood sugar. Working with the B12, chromium improves blood sugar processing while minimizing tiredness.
  • MIC/B Complex/Chromium/Carnitine: B complex vitamins are crucial to improving cardio and cell health. When combined with Chromium and Carnitine, they can boost energy and reduce fatigue significantly.

Vitamin D3 Injections

Vitamin D3 is a vitamin produced in the body by sunshine. When sunlight hits our skin, it signals our body to generate energy and cholesterol that produces vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to many processes in the body. We recommend vitamin D3 for patients who don't receive enough sunlight or who have a vitamin deficiency. The benefits of D3 include:

  • Increased bone and teeth strength
  • Improved immune system
  • Boosted sex drive for men and women
  • Protection against many diseases and health conditions
tree branch casting shadow

Glutathione Injections

Glutathione is an antioxidant essential to ridding the body of toxins and free radicals. It naturally occurs in the body and is safe to receive through injection. It is helpful to patients who want to reverse the effects of aging. The benefits of Glutathione include:

  • Reduced oxidative stress
  • Improved skin appearance and health
  • Immune boosting
  • Liver health

Peptide Injections

Peptides are small proteins that naturally occur within the body's cells and tissues. They impact bodily and mental function immensely, from aging reversal, exercise and athletics, and cognitive well-being. Our peptide injections include the following:

  • Epithalon: Lengthens telomeres in human cells, extending lifespans.
  • AOD-9604: Stimulates the pituitary gland, metabolism, and fat burn.
  • BPC-157: Contains anti-inflammatory properties.
  • CJC-157/Ipamorelin: Promotes growth hormone stimulation
  • GHK-Cu: Promotes faster healing, immune health, and skin health.
  • Ipamorelin: Stimulates growth hormones.
  • Gonadorelin: Protects testicular function.
  • MOTS-C: Provides support for mitochondria, insulin processing, and energy.
  • Sermorelin: Supports the production of growth hormones.
  • Semaglutide + BPC-157 and Tirzepatide + BPC-157: Supports weight loss.

Are Nutrient Injections Right for Me?

Hopefully, you're getting the proper nutrients through your regular diet. If you eat enough fruits and vegetables but still feel unhappy or unhealthy, we recommend inquiring about nutrient injections. They can help patients with nutrient deficiencies or who have trouble processing nutrients correctly. They can also complement diet lifestyles and supplements. They help patients process and receive benefits from nutrients faster than the average diet. We'd love to set up a free phone consultation and inform you further about how our injections can improve your life.

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